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What We Do: Design, Invent and Develop
Solutions Focused Products

Jewelry Sketches
A Man and a Woman looking at a Design
Designer stylish sketch Drawn design template pattern made leather clutch bag handbag purs
Designer stylish sketch Drawn design template pattern made leather clutch bag handbag purs
Artist Sketching

"A great new concept for outdoor merchandise, there's nothing in the industry like what you've designed"

Debbie Mapp
Vice President of Operations

 Fortunoff Backyard Stores




InStyler Chief of Innovation, David Richmond, Explains Why His Billion Dollar Hair Appliance Company Partnered with Concepzhure Design

Premium Hair Styling Technology

Flossing in the Flow of Creativity...        (You know you want to!)

Consumer Products Are Available For Licensing,
Please Email Us or Use the Contact Form Below To Request Information.

invention collaboration with In house product development teams or individual inventors

custom premium & promotional products design

designs available
for promotional items, health & beauty, office products, home and garden

Jeannine Leaning Color.jpg

All About It

Looking back, I've always been a creative. I was the quirky kid who preferred artfully illustrated books to cartoons, and begged for a Green Machine big wheel when the other girls were asking for accessories for their Barbie's. After spending the first half of my career in Corporate America - paying the bills but neglecting my creative skills,  it's a blessing to be able to design and develop solution focused consumer products. Call me anytime for a consult on your big idea, or if you would like to explore ways to augment in house product development, to add to a current product line up, or explore a new one. 

Get At Me!

YOUR TIME IS VALUED: Messages Are Responded to Within 24 Hours

Jeannine David



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